Monday, March 23, 2009

My Wish came true...yet again

There is a line in Alchemist"When you want something,the whole Universe conspiresto help you realize your desire."I don't actually know when it started happening to me but I realized it quite late in life that whatever I desired in my hearts of hearts I got it.

Maybe if I had seen my life more cautiously during my childhood and teen age...there might be more instances of such happenings.The object of my desire could be a formal shirt;(I liked it when I was about 6 in a shopping mall and did not say anything yet my parents bought it for me) or it could be a trip for my Mom to a place(I wanted my Mom to go since she would love it)....all these happened sometimes creating happiness as well as creating a fear in me.

Can I really wish all things for myself? What if things I fear in my hearts of hearts also come true? Is this a curse?Whenever one of my desire comes true, these questions hound me for times endless...and yet each time I am left with myself with an emptiness around.

I even saw the short film "The Secret" which explains the law of attraction...whatever we want is whatever we get. It was nothing new for me... but it does teach a lesson to think of all positive happenings of life. The only flaw in the whole outlook is what if you prayed for something but the way you got it bought you sadness?Well, we can't want the way; that's what the book and the movie tell us.So maybe we can wish for things which while making their way to us won't hurt other's prospects; though I doubt if everyone will be able to do that.

My latest wish came true too..though cannot discuss it right now. Although, it did not hurt anyone on the way, it did put my life on a different track. Till then as the cartoon character Lulu's friend Tubby said "Who knows what the future holds! Neeeeext..."!

1 comment:

  1. Good writing style, no doubt.
    Well, I really want to know that latest wish of yours. ;) he he he.
