Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Shared Childhood

Background: I have two younger sisters and we all three are totally different in every way. And yet sharing the same childhood makes it easy for you to guess what the other person would do in a certain situation; what she might feel; how she might react. The days we spent together were never valued by us at those moments but now as I look back, I know we all cherish each and every moment of the life we spent together. This poem is dedicated to my two sisters who love me a lot...and yes you guessed right, I love them too.

I remember when we together took the morning bus to school,
I remember how we spent childhood days both hot and cool,

We had many disagreements and of course several fights,
We spent days without talking or sharing life bites,

Yet some days we were really the best of friends,
playing together continuously like there was no end,

Making a snowman and then posing for snaps,
Laughing hysterically, talking without gasps,

Gifting each other desired presents on a birthday,
sharing the sorrow when any of us had a bad day,

Sharing the knowledge of our different subjects,
listening intently about different fields and objects,

Playing dumb charades on Sundays without a care,
Singing songs when it rained or electricity wasn't there,

Asking each other movie quizzes only we could understand,
If any of us was able to solve it, it pleased her no end,

Never thinking there might be an end to these occasions,
Never thinking we might have to move to different locations,

Yet I know you love me the same and by you I'm always understood,
Siblings may not share lives, but they always share their childhood.