Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Marriage Ahead of its Times

My little sister is getting married.
A joyous occassion for me .. but not for all.
I keep remembering what my mom told
me about her wedding- how people hated them;
didn't want to meet her for years when she 
being a Shia married a Sunni.

But by the time we were in our tweens;
almost both sides of the family had accepted
my parent's marriage.
Recently when my Shia  maternal cousin brother married 
my Sunni paternal cousin sister-
there was hardy any displeasure and it all went as
though anything was hardly out of place.

So now I feel my parents were ahead of the time-
hence same for my sister. In this world, where
its so hard to find a soul- mate; isn't it harder 
to find someone of your own religion, matching castes
or even social backgrounds?
What's the big deal if you marry someone out side
the specifications. Why are others so intimidated
by your decision? If these same people have to make this
decision for their children, they would do the same without
batting an eye-lid but for others they become judgemental?

So much double standards and hypocrisy
that it actually makes my head spin around.
I am happy for my sister. Period.
She is doing what she feels is best for her.
She is an adult and knows the implications.
Its her life- her decision and I respect it.
If she was not my sister and was a friend;
I would do the same.

Funny thing in this scenario is the people who
say something about it are mostly men- and
many those who do not even offer prayers 5 times a day.
The first pillar of our religion is to offer
5 prayers a day- other wise you are just a "Muslim"
in say. Yet these "Muslims" have an objection-
while women who offer these prayers have no objection
as long as the bride is happy.

I feel it definitely has some psycological implication
that the men are feeling threatened by an inter-religion
marriage since in future the competition will include
all sects- which means they need to have better qualifications
in all aspects. Because giving religion as a reason even though 
it is hardly practiced by them- seems pretty hilarious.

What ever be the cause- I know and believe that the rebels
would be eating their words in the years to come as time
always puts everyone in their place.
As for me- I am just happy, in deed and in heart.

You have my blessings sis.
You chose well :)