Sunday, January 23, 2011

Journey - Called Life

A journey that begins
a journey about to end

A life thats moving by
and we making amends

Some people remebered
some forgotten n gone

Some loved intensely
some situations bygone

Time moves by years
but life moves slow

Make every moment count
Make ever second glow

Love the ones you need
Be for who need you

So that when Life ends
no regrets, no i owe you's .

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Mother's Pleasure

After a day full of hard work

Reaching home tired and tried,

Trying to cook and clean both

setting things right and aside,

My son crawls steadily near me,

I think for playing there's no time,

As he looks I smile at him and

the response is a smile that's Divine

I leave things unattended and aside,

the stove closed and the light off,

thinking the kitchen can wait a bit

and later I'll have time enough

As I take my son in my arms and sit,

He hugs me and laughs thinking its fun,

Guess work would have to wait more

As a mother's pleasure has just begun.