Monday, August 1, 2011
Life's Pleasures
The pleasure of watching you child when he starts kicking
while he lays down in bed because that's the only movement he can make at that time.
Then one day, "eureka" he's crawling !!!
One of my special memories consists of my son crawling upside down....
yes he was always "different".
He used to lay on his back, push his feet on the carpet and thus move
forward from the side of his head. In this way he crawled all the way to the kitchen (thinking
his Mom was there only) looked inside and said "Mumma", I was in the bedroom watching
him from a distance while putting clothes in the rack and I just stormed out to hug him for such a sweet act.
Making him crawl normally wasn't that difficult but once he started he just wouldn't stop!
Ans crawling normally meant anything in the way had to go to just one place-
you got it right, his mouth.
so every toy had to be clean and sanitized.
His joy on being able to stand was also unparalleled...
With each milestone he crossed, he never looked back to the previous ones.
Making sweet memories linger just in my thoughts.
A few months back he started Walking...I never knew when exactly he started...
though his Father says he saw him take the first step while I was making tea...yet seeing him take two steps at a time
continued for almost a month till he finally began to walk with a confidence that brought
a smile face.
The first time we switched on a Cooler in Pune, he ran in front of it
and laughed whenever he was hit by the cool breeze...He thought it was
some game we were playing with him. Because when he moved in front of
cooler he felt a cold wind and away from it there was nothing.
I could watch him laugh and run like that for hours
without blinking an eye,just for the pleasure his laugh brought to our hearts.
Recently he has started talking, not actual words but baby talk and a lot of sign language.
He points to his milk, he points to the pigeons outside and he hates it
when some one comes near his "Mumma" or "Papa"
They belong to just him.
Yes, we really do :)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
If You Don't fear Death - Fear Life
"Raju you drive too fast", she screamed.
"Renu you worry too much" he smiled.
As Raju moved on his bike from one end of the road to the other, pedestrians braced themselves aside.
Some of them even gave him dirty looks, but did it slow him down? No, not at all.
Finally, they reached college and as Renu got off the bike, she scolded him again.
"You never understand my point do you? Everyday a million accidents happen, in fact
only yesterday the newspaper reported death of a whole family".
"Relax Renu", he said, "why are you so scared of death? My family astrologer told me, I am going to live almost 80 years", he smiled.
As usual, Raju won the argument and they went to class. In the evening Renu left early while Raju had planned some time out with friends
Next morning, as Renu waited for Raju to pick her up, she wondered why he hadn't given her a miss call in the morning. It had become a habit with them since they had started going to college together. She knew him from school but it was in college when they really became good friends.
Looking at the watch she saw it was almost half an hour and no sign of Raju. He had always been so punctual. Finally she called on his cell phone.
"Hello", said a lady's voice from the other end.
"Hello Aunty, it’s me Renu, can I speak to Raju please?"
A sob sound followed...and the phone was snatched by someone else.
A man's voice asked ,"Who is it?"
Renu with a tension filled voice asked, "Its Renu, Raju's friend, can I speak to him please?"
"I think you don't know", said the man.
"Raju had an accident, he is in Noble hospital."
Renu felt as if someone had slapped her hard.
She stopped listening and started gasping for breath, holding on to the gate she kept herself on her feet and then slowly walked back her flat.
In the afternoon, Renu finally reached to Raju's room in the hospital.
He was in deep thought. His mother was slicing an apple for him and talking to him as well.
Seeing Renu, his face brightened, and he blurted out a "Hi".
"Hi", said Renu.
His mother smiled at Renu and said she will be back after getting
some more fruits for Raju then offered her the seat beside his bed.
As Renu sat down, and was about to speak,
Raju said, "You were always right Renu, you were always so right. …
Renu listened with a solemn expression.
“When I met with the accident last night, I could hear the echo of your words"
Renu looked at him with tears in her eyes as Raju continued,
"You were always so subtle in your advice and never directly told me
but now I know as now I will experience it. I just hope others around me would learn from my mistake."
As tears fell from Renu's eyes, she looked below Raju's waist. With both legs amputated, he had definitely become wiser but a life full of pain had still to be endured.
Definitely death is not as horrible nor is it as scary, but living life as a handicapped person
because of your own mistake is the most dreadful thing to be experienced.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
All in a Day's work
"And so we meet again", he mused.
"Oh God, how many times do u need to come to me in a day", she asked irritated.
"It’s all in a day’s work, dear", he smirked.
"hmmph, I would hardly call that work what your owner is doing, take your fill and leave", she said.
At that very instant I filled my coffee cup, with hot bru coffee, he winked back at that machine
and she simply started giving out coffee to a better looking slim cup ignoring mine which was pot bellied :D
After all she was tired of serving him for the third time in the same day. :)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Two Versions -Same Life
She hated to be late.
All her life, everything had to be on time.
Leaving for school, then leaving for college and then finally leaving for office.
"Mom!!!!", "You know I hate to be late?"
"What time are coming home today?" her brother asked.
"Why?” she said.
"I was thinking perhaps we can go to that new park in our society."
"Why don't you go with your friends, I won’t be able to sleep on time
and then I'll be late for office tomorrow."
His expression changed drastically and isn't something worth writing about.
Mother came with her Tiffin in hand, snatching it
and rushing out with a quick good bye she was off.
She got in the line for bus, had a person walking with a stick in front of her
which irritated her no end. "I am going to be late because
he is walking so slow”, she thought. Perhaps sensing her irritation, the man gave her
side to move forward, rushing ahead she didn't even think of thanking him;
after all he was causing her to be late.
The bridge over the railway platform was too crowded today.
Perhaps some politician had come over, she thought.
A lot of laborers carrying iron pipes were going over the bridge;
brushing them aside, she rushed downstairs.
Suddenly the foot of one of the laborers slipped, and the iron pipe
he was holding got out of his hand, rolled over, falling on the stairs; while the rest of
the crowd moved sideways; she just turned to see what happened and was
knocked down....dead. can happen anytime...any day…and any way.
Now let’s rewind.
Version 2:
She got up in the morning.
After getting ready, she sat down at the breakfast table with her brother.
"What time are coming home today?" her brother asked.
"Why?” she said.
"I was thinking perhaps we can go to that new park in our society."
"Let’s plan it on a weekend, it’ll be easier for me please?”
“Ok, but then it’ll be your treat, promise?”
Mother came with her Tiffin in hand, as she took it, she said
“Thanks Mom”, and started for office.
She got in the line for bus, had a person walking with a stick in front of her
The man gave her side to move forward, “Thank you”;
she said with a smile and moved forward.
The bridge over the railway platform was too crowded.
A lot of laborers carrying iron pipes were going over the bridge.
As soon as she got a side she moved forward and started
Downstairs. Suddenly the foot of one of the laborers slipped, and the iron pipe
he was holding got out of his hand, rolled over, falling on the stairs; while the rest of
the crowd moved sideways; she just turned to see what happened and was
knocked down....dead.
I haven’t used any names in the above versions.
Because any of us can be any character them.
Point is, the main character faced the same situations, she came to the same end;
But her reactions to the situations were different.
She died, but before dying, she definitely left something, those who knew her or met her
Could remember her by….
A few kind and understanding words which might seem inconsequential yet that make
a lot of difference to our way if living.
Anyone can receive kindness, but you make a difference only by giving it.
An End - New Beginning
I thank those, who smile at me...
smile at those who smirk at me,
and hope to impress those who believe in me:)
I thought this is the journey's end
On seeing a curve at the road bend
But saw a new path reaching there
Courage tugged at heart along with fear
New Possibilities and new mistakes
New frame of mind it will take
"THE End" there is no such thing,
An end always means new beginning.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
My Mother...
she loves n endears,
When I'm down,
she brings me joy
When I'm happy
She makes me enjoy
When I'm nasty,
She makes me repent,
She taught me manners,
value of every cent,
Many moms are there
but there's no one like her,
She loves me more than herself,
She is the best Mother!
Happy Mother's Day to My Mumma...
Luv u a lot!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Shared Auto and Friday Prayers
Saturday, April 16, 2011
My Life is Worth Living
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Essence of Marriage
When God had made Adam
He also had to make Eve
Else brain would be used
But no heart to perceive
Together they made life
full of love and care
They were together by choice
In joys, sorrow they shared
It wasn't always easy
to be able to forgive
yet with patience accept
whatever the other gives
Isn't that what a Marriage
should be defined as,
Expecting less and Accepting
whatever the other has
Today Marriage has another
definition of boundaries
People love to get out
of it and thus break free
If only everyone got the essence
of being loved without reason
Life would be easier and divine
Hatred would lose, so would treason
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Journey - Called Life
a journey about to end
A life thats moving by
and we making amends
Some people remebered
some forgotten n gone
Some loved intensely
some situations bygone
Time moves by years
but life moves slow
Make every moment count
Make ever second glow
Love the ones you need
Be for who need you
So that when Life ends
no regrets, no i owe you's .
Friday, January 7, 2011
A Mother's Pleasure

After a day full of hard work
Reaching home tired and tried,
Trying to cook and clean both
setting things right and aside,
My son crawls steadily near me,
I think for playing there's no time,
As he looks I smile at him and
the response is a smile that's Divine
I leave things unattended and aside,
the stove closed and the light off,
thinking the kitchen can wait a bit
and later I'll have time enough
As I take my son in my arms and sit,
He hugs me and laughs thinking its fun,
Guess work would have to wait more
As a mother's pleasure has just begun.