Well never knew this would happen to me but it did;yes I am a mother now.
So I discovered some important traits that I believe all mothers happen
to be showing in themselves.
1) No matter where you go, your child is on the top of your mind.
2) You are able to do things like cooking, eating and even typing with one hand.
3) Any baby on the road, mall or even at doctor's office seems cute to you.
4) Whatever the reason for going shopping, you start checking outfits for your child.
5) Singing any song with the wrong words doesn't seem silly to you.
6) You start remembering all nursery rhymes.
7) You start calling your child by the different short affectionate names your mom
used to call you.
8) Food is just food...tasting it isn't something you have the time for.
9) You can eat while standing, walking around the house or even while running
out to go someplace.
10) It has been ages since you read a book.
11) Make-up...what's that?