Listening to a very nice song today
from 3 Idiots.
"Give me some sunshine, Give me some rain..
Give me another chance, I want to grow up once again"
Lyrics of the song are beautiful and plead for
a life that was unlived...desires unfulfilled
and dreams unrealised.
Many people in this world might be able to feel
the dilemma expressed in the song. Luckily I am
not one of them as after listening to it, I
thought whether I want to grow up again.
No...not really; in fact if given a chance
I would like to grow up just the way I did,
make the same mistakes, meet the same people,
befriend the same people and yes even love
the same ones.
There is a quote which I remembered,
"If God put all the troubles of the
world in one big heap and then asked us to choose
one for ourselves, we would still end up
choosing the one we have now."
There might be tough situations in every life,
but haven't they always taught us something.
Even the people who hurt us teach us
a lesson of life by letting us know we
should never act as they did.
No, I would not like to grow up once again.
In fact I believe no one should.
Lets live life completely...even if
we commit mistakes, lets correct them,
lets make ourselves better with each and every
new day.
"No need for a sunshine, no need for a rain,
Once I found myself, I never turned back again"